Cannabis informatics
The legalization of cannabis (popularly known as marijuana) is one of the most significant shifts in public policy in the past decade. While it is still regulated as a Schedule I controlled substance by the federal government, an increasing number of states regulate the growth, distribution, and consumption of cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. The cannabis industry employs more than 320,000 employees and has billions of dollars in revenue within the United States alone. The emergence of this “new” industry has happened in parallel with the development of data science as a set of interdisciplinary methods as well as a profession. Cannabis legalization
We have partnered with organizations like Steel Hill and Leafly to collect and analyze their data.
- Keegan, B., Nguyen, A.N., Savage, S., Kaye, J., de Choudhury, M., & Paul, M. (2017). “CHI-nnabis: Implications of Marijuana Legalization for and from Human-Computer Interaction.” CHI EA ‘17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Vergara, D. Gaudino, R., Blank, T., & Keegan, B. (2020). “Modeling cannabinoids from a large-scale sample of Cannabis sativa chemotypes.” PLoS ONE.
- Smith, C.J., Vergara, D., Keegan, B., & Jikomes, N. (2021). “The Phytochemical Diversity of Commercial Cannabis in the United States.” bioRxiv.